Andi Xoch, Utopia and Dystopia, 2019

Andi Xoch, Utopia and Dystopia, 2019
Andi Xoch
Complice and Brotar (diptych), 2019
Serigraph, ed. 60
15”x11” - each
From the Utopia/Dystopia Portfolio Project
Individual print: $250
Pair of prints: $400
Andi Xoch’s Brotar and Complice were created in part of the “Utopia/Dystopia” portfolio, curated by the artist Miyo Stevens-Gandara. Miyo invited 26 artists to each pick two cards from a full deck, incorporating a diverse range of interpretations and ideas into a single, unified collection. Here, Xoch depicts natural healing plants a source of Utopia and the image of La Malinche as a source of dystopia. These two prints evoke themes about generational trauma, historical oppression, injustice, and forms of healing available to counteract these realities.
Xoch is the owner of Latinx with Plants and co-founder of Ni Santas, a womxn of color art collective taking control of their own histories, narratives, and healing. Her art intersects community work in embodying the themes and practices of sisterhood, community activism, solidarity, and healing.