Founded in 1970 as "Art, Inc.", but incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1973 as "Self Help Graphics & Art" (SHG), SHG is dedicated to the production, interpretation and distribution of prints and other art media by Chicana/o and Latinx artists. Our multidisciplinary and intergenerational programs promote artistic excellence and empower our community by providing access to space, tools, training and resources.
Self Help Graphics’ vision is to be the pre-eminent center for Latino art in printmaking, exhibition and training, and to be a resource for young and emerging artists.
spirItuality & creative heart
Acknowledge the experience of art as a spiritual form of expression that reflects our community’s sense of hope and soul, (in memory of Self Help Graphics’ founder, Sister Karen Boccalero).
Build relationships across generations and communities by encouraging artistic expression through collaboration.
Promote socially engaging art with a conscience in service to the Latino community and diverse audiences through artistic freedom and cultural affirmation.
Continuously re-invent programming, creating new and resourceful ways of showcasing artists.
Achieve the highest quality of operations with accountability and transparency through diligent, dedicated and equitable practices.
Serve as a gateway to experience and appreciate art, and to provide art at a reasonable value.
Equity statement
Self Help Graphics and Art (SHG) emerged from the need to have a cultural space in Los Angeles that was reflective of Chicana/o and Latinx heritages and cultures. SHG was born during the fervent time of the Chicano Civil Rights Movement to provide Chicana/o and Latinx residents in East Los Angeles with arts education, culturally relevant events, and a platform for them to create and share their work. Today SHG continues to be the preeminent center for Latinx art in printmaking, exhibition, training, and resource for young and emerging artists.
Because SHG’s foundation is rooted in the struggle against systemic forms of oppression we continue our holistic commitment to equity and inclusion by:
SHG’s artistic production, exhibitions, and educational programming centers the experiences of Chicana/o and Latinx communities.
SHG recognizes its role as steward of a place that is on the unceded ancestral land of the Tongva people.
SHG works toward anti-racism generally and anti-Blackness specifically, both internally and externally.
SHG supports and mentors artists working for social change.
SHG is a participant in an ecosystem of cooperation locally and regionally.
SHG advocates in support of social justice.
SHG actualizes and embodies equity and inclusion intersectionally.
SHG aligns its operations with its values of social justice, equity and inclusion, honoring histories and practices, and empowering people.
“We need places like Self Help Graphics & Art because we need to nurture the new generation of artists.”