UPDATE: This workshop will take place on YouTube, not in-person.
Martha will lead a tie-dyeing workshop on Saturday, August 14th at 1:00 p.m., on our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/shgtv. Use this process to express yourself, ideas, and creativity! Tie-dye is a process connected to social movements because of its wild nature. Registration and masks are required to attend.
To participate:
1. Register on Eventbrite at : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-workshop-tie-dying-with-martha-carrillo-tickets-163293648699 .
2. Fill out our Public Health Screening Form at https://bit.ly/PublicHealthForm.
3. Wear a mask to join.
Please note that all visitors will be required to fill out a Public Health Screening Form prior to attendance and masks are required for all participants, including COVID-19 vaccinated visitors. *The Health Screening Form will also be emailed to all Eventbrite registrants prior to the workshop.