Mini Monster Printmaking Workshop with Victor Rosas
Friday, June 23, 2017 | 12PM to 5PM
Fee: Donations Based (RSVP Required)
Instructor: Victor Rosas
Participants will produce a small portfolio by sharing prints made in this workshop using linocuts and chine-collé.
Linocut is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in which a sheet of linoleum (sometimes mounted on a wooden block) is used for a relief surface. A design is cut into the linoleum surface with a sharp knife, V-shaped chisel or gouge, with the raised (uncarved) areas representing a reversal (mirror image) of the parts to show printed. The linoleum sheet is inked with a roller (called a brayer) and then impressed onto paper or fabric.
Chine-collé is a special technique in printmaking, in which the image is transferred to a surface that is bonded to a heavier support in the printing process. One purpose is to allow the printmaker to print on a much more delicate surface, such as Japanese paper or linen, which pulls finer details off the plate.