2017 Inaugural Printmaking Summit Highlights

2017 Inaugural Printmaking Summit Highlights

Self Help Graphics & Art in partnership with the Eastside Arts Initiative and the University of Texas at San Antonio is convening the Inaugural Chican/o Latina/o Printmaking Summit on February 20 – 26, 2017, in Los Angeles with the goals of discussing the following:

• Master Printer role within community centered printmaking studios/spaces.

• Develop a template (pathway) for future Master Printers.

• Discuss and develop a larger national printmaking summit for 2018-2019.

• Provide workshops to the local community of printmakers.

• Creation of a fine art print portfolio documenting this gathering.

The Chicana/o Latina/o printmaking community has recently lost powerful figures and Maestros such as Richard Duardo, Sam Baray, Fernando Salicrup, and Sam Coronado. Their departure leaves a large void, and we hope this gathering can establish a national pipeline for master printers and foster the knowledge and relationships that these artists provided our communities.

At Self Help Graphics & Art, we understand and value the role of the Master Printer in creating a trusting and nurturing environment that can develop important relationships between the printer and artists. Master Printers guide artists from the conceptual stage to the completion of a print edition, by providing expertise and strategies, producing something that is reflective of the artist’s initial vision.

Secondly, this initiative will strengthen printmaking here in East Los Angeles by exposing artists to Master Printers and master printmakers; building stronger networks between our studios and spaces and inspire collaborations; sparking new dialogues and more importantly enriching our network; and pooling together knowledge on sustainable practices.

Lastly, this gathering will serve to plan a larger national summit of Chicana/o Latina/o printmakers with associated professional development opportunities and printmaking workshops for artists.

This summit will convene master printers, printmakers, printmaking centers and artists from across the nation to discuss and plan ways in which we can continue this printmaking legacy, much of which was sparked here in on the eastside through SHG, Modern Multiples, Centro de Arte Publico, Mechicano Art Center, and other printmaking efforts that have resulted in landmark collections such as Estampas de la Raza from the Romo Collection. This we hope can create a pathway for new generations of artists that can continue bringing to light important issues through the printmaking medium.





Eastside Arts Initiative

UTSA – The University of Texas at San Antonio

Velasco Atelier Press