New Team, Same Mission
SHG Director of Artistic Programs, Marvella Muro and Executive Director, Betty Avila. Mural by Oaxacan artists, Tlacolulokos.
In 2020, SHG celebrates its 47th year in operation. At the core of Self Help Graphics’ administrative backbone for nearly three decades was founder Sister Karen Boccalero. I think of her often and in some moments of challenge find myself asking, “what would Sister Karen do?” This is a strictly rhetorical question because after all, Sister Karen was known for being rough around the edges, too direct for comfort (depending on who you ask), and would leave no room for negotiation. Her leadership style is quite the opposite of mine, and the truth is I probably would not do what she did 99% of the time. And yet I feel a connection to her in the responsibility we’ve shared of stewarding a deeply-rooted organization that centers artists of color, and the creative needs of our community.
To call this work a labor of love is an understatement - the nonprofit arts sector is rife with inequity and the systemic undercapitalization of culturally-specific organizations. All the more reason to be grateful to the team who have also committed themselves to Self Help Graphics’ mission of elevating artists and creating opportunities for community-building through art, despite the aforementioned obstacles.
As we begin a new year and new decade, it is my pleasure to introduce you, and reintroduce you, to the growing staff and extended support team of Self Help Graphics and Art– an intergenerational civic-minded group of women comprised of artists, artivists, literary and film nerds, foodies, cultural workers and producers, travelers, curators, cat/dog/plant parents, and parents to actual awesome kiddos. You can learn more about our me, Jennifer Cuevas, Natalie Godinez, Ariel Hernandez-Neikrug, Alexa Kim, Stephanie Mercado, Marvella Muro, Andi Ramirez, Lulu Urdiales, and Alma Villegas here. We are members of the community, many of whom have held a connection with Self Help well before joining the team as staff and consultants, and it will remain part of lives for long after.
I only know Sister Karen through the stories and memories shared by artists, curators, scholars, and friends, but from what they’ve conveyed, I am confident this team is honoring her legacy as we move Self Help Graphics & Art forward to the half-century mark.
With gratitude,
Betty Avila is Executive Director of Self Help Graphics & Art.