Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, Ranked #1 in U.S., Offers Tuition Free Arts Education to LA County Youth

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Self Help Graphics & Art was founded in the 1970’s to expand access to art education and produce cultural events that empower and inspire the communities of Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles. To continue advancing education and the representation of people of color in the arts, we are partnering with the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA) to encourage youth to consider pursuing an art-based high school education. See this recent report by Spectrum News about their efforts to diversify their candidate pool.

Below are testimonials from three of our Youth Committee members, currently enrolled at LACHSA. Their arts-based education and support of arts organizations like Self Help Graphics & Art have filled them with confidence, inspiring them to be leaders in their communities and in the world at large. The college preparatory and conservatory-style training at LACHSA provides a structure for youth to push themselves in an environment that fosters excellence and creative thinking. 

Many students have attended LACHSA and pursued careers in the arts, while others have used the education to obtain scholarships and degrees in other fields with universities and colleges including Cal-Tech and many universities internationally.

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Arlene Campa, LACHSA, Visual Art 

I am a senior in the Visual Arts department, now particularly focused on textile and fiber arts & printmaking. I got started in the arts when I was in elementary school. I had an amazing art teacher named Mr. Loya who really uplifted me and showed me how I could utilize art to redefine my own narrative. I learned about LACHSA through a friend of a friend and fortunately as soon as I started to share about my intentions to apply, many community members helped me. I had teachers, old family friends, and even peers help me with my portfolio and practice interviews. It took my entire community to uplift me to where I am today, and I would be more than happy to assist anyone who needs that support in the future. I had the privilege of being classically trained in almost all forms of visual arts and beyond LACHSA I am excited to keep pursuing my practice and learn new techniques. Often times while I was prepping for my audition, I found myself feeling like my voice wasn’t important enough to be included or that I wouldn’t belong there. There is always space for your voice, your narrative, your art. There is always space for you to take up at LACHSA and beyond, you just have to take those first steps and believe in your magic!


Fariyan Alam, LACHSA, Music
My name is Fariyan Alam, and I’m a violist in the Music Department at LACHSA. I began playing my first instrument -the clarinet- during my first year of Middle School, when my friend, who was a clarinetist, wanted me to join the school band with them. Throughout that time, I found so much joy in performing music that I joined my community orchestra, the Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles, and it was there where I learned about LACHSA from a friend. Intrigued by the concept of attending an Arts High School, I applied to the school, hoping that it would help me pursue my art endeavors, and for students like myself, who were interested in playing music at LACHSA, the application consisted of two portions; an online form, to provide basic information, and a live audition, to demonstrate artistic abilities and potentiality. Although different instrumentalists have varying audition requirements, I would be more than happy to assist anyone who’s nervous about the live audition portion of the application. To anyone who wishes to study at LACHSA, I would simply say that if you’re truly passionate about making art, this school will provide you with all of the tools, knowledge, and friendships you need to be a successful artist. I came to LACHSA as a sophomore, and I will say that at first, it was shocking to see how different the school is from a local public high school, but, this school has students from all over Los Angeles County, and you will find your niche, and from there, you’ll blossom. 

As for myself, I would most definitely say that I have a more than satisfactory time while at LACHSA, and although I no longer wish to continue my studies in viola performance when I graduate high school, I would still like to make and perform music throughout my life.


Andrea Tupas, LACHSA, Theatre 
Hello! My name is Andrea Tupas and I am in the theatre department at LACHSA! I got started with my craft at a young age participating in my local community theatre. That is where I grew up, made friends, and began my passion for acting. I stumbled upon LACHSA, by a mention from a friend of a friend. All I had heard was that it was a “ Free Public Arts School” and that immediately caught 7th-grade-me’s attention. Nobody around my middle school really knew what it was, so it was really only me from my school who auditioned. As far as the audition process, I had to prepare two monologues. I searched many websites, found the plays from my local library, memorized, and prepared myself all on my own. LACHSA’s own website provided many tips and tricks on how we presented ourselves in the audition room and how to remain professional. 

I believe that the education I received at LACHSA is unmatched. I always say that it’s not just the teachers and curriculum of our school that makes us stand out, but it’s the students. I have learned so much from watching my peers grow and how they process their art more than anything else. The connections and friends I made were a substantial part of my LACHSA Journey and I will always be grateful for that. As for my future, I do wish to continue my studies within the theatre realm. If you are interested in applying for LACHSA, I encourage you to please go for it!  If you are someone who believes that you may not “have enough background or lessons” to get in, that is not what LACHSA’s program seeks. They are looking for students who have the desire and passion to do their craft every day at school. I’ve heard people say that LACHSA is Los Angeles’ hidden treasure and it really is. It’s a place for a free arts education where students can make great connections and further their passion. When auditioning, my main piece of advice is whatever art you are showcasing: monologue, art portfolio, music piece, make sure to incorporate how much you love doing it. It’s not about your skill level, but the potential the judges see in you to continue to grow as an artist. :)

LACHSA provides instruction in the following areas Cinematic Arts, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Tech Track, Theatre and the Visual Arts. The last day to apply to the 2021-2022 school year is Friday, February 12. To learn more about LACHSA and apply for an upcoming academic year go to https://www.lachsa.net/apply.

Stephanie Mercado is Development Coordinator at Self Help Graphics & Art, as well as an artist and printmaker.