Meet Martha Carrillo, 2020 Census Atelier Artist

By: Jennifer Cuevas 

The Census is here and Self Help Graphics & Art wants to remind you that #WeAllCount count and inclusivity matters! Meet Artist Martha Carrillo, whose serigraph print, We All Count, is part of the 2020 Census Atelier (available for purchase during the virtual Annual Print Fair starting June 13, 2020).  Martha has been collaborating with SHG for seven years as a Teaching and multidisciplinary Artist. She has completed numerous commissions on behalf of SHG, including large-scale work, and is one-half of the design team behind #ArtPunk clothing.

In her serigraph print, We All Count, Martha sets a backdrop of a rainbow, the California poppy flower representing the Golden State and depicts women and a baby to remind us all that the Census is safe and we should be counted; regardless of how we identify albeit age, race, citizenship or non-citizenship, orientation, gender or nonbinary- everyBODY. “The reason that I chose the rainbow and the multi-color is because I wanted to everybody to feel safe and included... And that being counted is very important. Everybody needs to feel that they are one of that number. And if we don't include ourselves and everybody around us, we're not going to have a complete count, and our communities are going to be affected by this. We want to make sure that we count children, elders, everybody in your family,” said Carrillo.

About the Census Atelier
To inspire participation in the 2020 Census, three artists were invited to produce an original serigraph for an atelier focused on communicating the positive significance of the Census, through Self Help Graphics & Art’s Professional Printmaking Program. Artists explored topics of inclusion, citizenship and children across Los Angeles, particularly in communities of color, where political representation, public programs and county and city resources are impacted as a result of the Census count. Learn more at or en español at

How to Fill out the 2020 Census
This spring, households across the country were mailed an invitation to fill out the Census online. The Census can also be filled out as well over the phone at 844-330-2020 (en español at 844-468-2020) or via mail. The new deadline to fill out the Census is October 2020 but don’t wait! Your household is depending on you to #MakeitCount today. To fill out your Census form, go to To learn how to fill out your Census questionnaire, see our How-to YouTube video on our SHGTV channel. 

#Census2020 #MakeitCount #HazteContar #WeCountLA

Jennifer Cuevas is SHG’s Communications Consultant. She is a Cultural Arts Producer, with a passion for the arts, social justice and policy.