#Makeitcount #HazteContar Los Angeles, Fill Out Your Census Questionnaire Today

By Marvella Muro

The world is at a standstill waiting for some relief in the news, yearning to continue life with some normality due to Covid-19; and although many activities are on hold such as school, the daily work commute for some, concerts, art workshops, etc., there are other events that move forward, like filling out your census questionnaire!

The Census 2020 is here. Now. This moment. Unfortunately, it’s overshadowed by unexpected circumstances. However, this should not stop us from participating. It’s safe and can be done from your home! 


Most, if not all, homes have received a letter inviting the residents to complete their form online or they have already received the hardcopy form in the mail. In addition to filling out the questionnaire online, you can also complete your form over the phone or online. The forms are available in multiple languages. 

For one or two years, many organizations across the country, including Self Help Graphics and Art, have attended training about the Census to better inform community members in specifically Hard to Count (HTC) regions of LA County. 

Since 1973, SHG has been at the intersection of arts and social justice, and in that light, we continue advocating community empowerment through knowledge and art. Our BMAS teaching artists received training with Census FAQs, and collaboratively, developed creative lesson plans to help people understand Who is Counted or the bigger question, Who is not included? And through silkscreen printing and watercolor, participants envision and identify their community needs, and paint a picture of what their neighborhood can look like when counted. 

If you haven’t seen our #MakeitCount posters, download yours here and post them in your home and workspace when you return to work 

In addition to site-specific workshops, three artists representative of Los Angeles’ diversity were invited to produce a serigraph communicating positive messaging about participation. Artists include April Bey, Martha Carrillo, and Phung Huynh. Each print bursts with color and demands a call to action! We look forward to sharing more about each artist and the inspiration for each print.

Take action and #MakeitCount Los Angeles! Get more info about the census at WeCountLA.org. To fill out your census questionnaire now, go to https://my2020census.gov/.

Marvella Muro is Director of Artistic Programs and Education at Self Help Graphics & Art.