Self Help Graphics & Art

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Sandra Fernandez, The Northern Triangle

Sandra Fernandez
The Northern Triangle, 2018
Serigraph, Ed. 64
18 x 26" - image size
22 x 30" - paper size

My print has to do with the recent unaccompanied minors from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The reason the piece is focused on these countries, is because those Central American countries have the highest rates of unaccompanied minors migration to the U.S. right now. The print has many layers. The writing on the back layer comes from a manuscript from ‘El Códice Mendoza’ (Codex of Mendoza)...The rosaries come from an installation piece that I made, where rosaries hang from threads, called ‘Crossing El Rio Grande, Homage to the Unidentified’...The little girl is sitting inside a cardboard box. Sometimes kids cross by themselves or with parents. There’s a psychological thing happening, especially alone. To have her in a box represents a lot of ideas...” 


Sandra Fernandez received her MFA from University of Wisconsin, Madison. She has taught at Illinois State University, NY State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, University of Texas at Austin, and Monmouth University, New Jersey. She was director of the New Jersey Printmaking Center, University of Texas, Austin, Guest Artist Program, and is owner of sfernandez Press & Taller. Collections include Smithsonian American Art Museum, Texas Tech University, Museo de la Casa de la Cultura (Ecuador), and Biblioteque Nationale (Paris). Recent solos include “Traces,” O’Sullivan Gallery, Regis University, CO; “Crossing/Mojándose,” Doug Adams Gallery, CA, “Integrations,” Gallery Arte Giappone, Milan, Italy.